Oct 14, 2012

Crossfit Gymnastics Trainer Certification

This Weekend's Crossfit Gymnastics Training course was excellent.  The focus was on the proper fundamental skills and development of the strength and flexibility to perform pure gymnastics techniques, as well as how to coach and spot others while teaching them those techniques.  Proper progressions were taught to achieve some of the more advanced techniques such as the Muscle Up, Front Lever, Back Lever, Iron Cross, Free Standing Hand Stand, Press to Hand Stand, Planche, and Manna.

All skills were taught in strict form, meaning proper body alignment, activation of the right muscle groups and in control (no kipping or "cheating" of any kind).  Of the 45 people in attendance, many of whom were very strong athletes, very few had developed the strength to perform any of the advanced techniques without assistance from spotters.  Performing the progressions to the advanced skills were also very difficult and humbling for most.

The trainers for this course, Sean Lind & Julie Barnes Maurer, were awesome!  Very professional, engaging, and diligent in their instruction.  They made this humbling experience a lot of fun.  I would highly recommend this course to anyone wishing to develop their ability to perform and teach gymnastics techniques.

I have a lot to practice!

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